With TERRO Liquid Ant Bait Stakes, you can stop your ant problem at the source. The bait stakes target ants outdoors before they can come inside. To kill common household ants, place stakes in areas where you've seen ant activity. This will attract foraging ants so they can take the bait back to the nest. As the bait circulates through the colony, it kills the ants you see and the ones you don’t. Within a few days, you should see a significant decrease in the number of ants visiting the bait. Since this is a bait product, you will initially see more ants as they are attracted to the liquid – but don’t worry, this is a good thing. The communal nature of an ant colony allows the bait to be spread to hundreds, if not thousands, of individual ants. After the bait is consumed, insect populations will begin to decline. For your convenience, TERRO Liquid Ant Bait Stakes are easy to use. Simply cut the tab to open the bait station and insert the stake in the ground. Place the stakes in outdoor areas close to where ants are entering your home, or where you see ant nests or ant trails. Be sure to leave the ant baits undisturbed while the ants are actively feeding on it.